MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM
Page 2-4Installing the SPM Software
DOS Installation 2
Use the following procedure to install SPM on the hard drive of a DOS PC.
If you are updating SPM, you do not need to remove the current SPM files.
The new files will overwrite your current SPM files.
Considerations 2
Review the following items before you begin the installation procedure.
The installation program automatically performs the following:
■ Checks available space on the hard disk. If space is insufficient, the
installation is terminated and an error message is generated.
■ Checks the autoexec.bat and config.sys files. If either file is
write-protected, the installation is terminated and an error message is
generated. SPM must make changes to these files.
■ Saves a copy of autoexec.bat as autoexec.old.
■ Saves a copy of config.sys as config.old.
■ If autoexec.bat has not already been configured for SPM, performs the
— Adds
to the path statement
— Adds the line
— Adds the background print command
■ Adds the following line to config.sys if it is not already present
■ Copies the ansi.sys file from the floppy disk to c:\.
■ Creates the directory c:\spm.
■ Copies the following files from the floppy disk into c:\spm:
— ams_hlp.eng (English language help file)
— ams_hlp.fre (French language help file)
— ams_hlp.spa (Spanish language help file)