MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 3-47QCC Optional Features
4. Programming an operator position to receive DID calls to invalid
destinations does not cause the calls to ring into the QCC queue unless
you program such calls to be sent to a backup extension. “Invalid
Destination” on page 4–163. When no operator is assigned to receive
the call types, the call does not ring into the QCC queue, and the caller
hears an error tone.
5. If a trunk assigned to ring into the QCC queue is to be assigned shared
remote access, assign that trunk remote access before performing this
procedure. “Remote Access Features” on page –337
Summary: QCC Operator to Receive Call Types 3
Programmable by System Manager
Mode Hybrid/PBX
Idle Condition Not required
Planning Form Form 6a, Optional Operator Features
Factory Setting QCC operator receives the following calls:
Dial 0
Unassigned DID
Listed Directory Number
Valid Entries Not applicable
Inspect Yes
Copy Option No
Console Procedure
→ → →Select a call
→ →Dial coverage group no.→ →
Dial ext. no.→ → → → → →
PC Procedure → → →Select a call type→ →Type coverage
group no.
→ →Type ext. no.→ → → →
→ →