MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM
Page 2-6Installing the SPM Software
DOS Installation with Windows 95 2
Using DOS SPM with Windows 95 improves the interaction of SPM with the
operating system as compared to Windows 3.x installation. For example, the
interaction with the print driver is improved. If an online printer is not available
when you try to print while using SPM, you see a message box explaining the
problem. You can correct the problem by bringing the printer on-line and
continuing, or you can cancel the print operation. SPM operation is not affected by
the error message or the action you take to correct the problem.
Use the following procedure to install SPM. You do not need to remove the current
SPM files. The new files automatically overwrite your current SPM files.
Considerations 2
Review the following items before you begin the installation procedure.
The installation program automatically performs the following:
■ If you typed (the command for DOS installation) instead of
, checks if your PC has Windows 95 installed. If Windows 95 is
detected, you see an error message that tells you to run the Instal95
■ Creates the directory c:\spm if it does not already exist.
■ Checks if the print.exe file is present in any directory listed in the PATH
environment variable.
■ Runs the DOS SETVER command to set the version table for print.exe to
6.22. This is required to enable print.exe to run on Windows 95.
■ Creates an spm.bat file in the directory c:\spm. The spm.bat file contains
the ams_path and print statements required to run SPM.
■ Unzips and copies the remaining files into the directory c:\spm.
■ Instructs you to refer to this document for details on using the PIF Editor to
configure an SPM PIF file to work with the spm.exe file.