MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM
Page 2-10Installing the SPM Software
DEBUG attribute is also specified in ams.cfg as (off), the
default setting, or
(on). This attribute is used to enable the Escape-
to-Shell feature of SPM, activated by pressing + . To turn DEBUG
you must edit the ams.cfg file; it is not part of the initialization process. The
attribute is for use by qualified service personnel only
Table 2–1. SPM Configuration File (ams.cfg) Options.
Follow the steps below to perform the SPM initialization.
and press
to display the SPM Welcome screen shown in Step 2.
■ Make your entry at the prompt if your PC has a hard disk.
■ Make your entry at the prompt if you are using the floppy drive.
Press any key.
Option Use
− Specifies COM1 as the serial communications port
used by SPM
− Specifies COM2 as the serial communications port
used by SPM
− Specifies modem speed of 1,200 bps
− Specifies modem speed of 2,400 bps
− Specifies color monitor
− Specifies monochrome monitor
− Specifies English as the PC language
− Specifies French as the PC language
− Specifies Spanish as the PC language
= current version of SPM