MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Basics
Page 1-34Programming Procedures
Description Page
LinesTrunks Continued
- ARS Restrict Non-Tie trunk ARS Facility Restriction Level
- Allow List Non-Tie trunk Allowed Lists assignment
- DisallowLst Non-Tie trunk Disallowed Lists assignment
* TIE Lines Tie lines: Remote Access options
- BarrierCode Barrier code requirements 4–337
- Barrier Code
- BarrierCode Not
- Restriction Tie trunk restriction
- Unrestricted
- Outward Restrict
- Toll Restrict
- ARS Restrict Tie and DID trunk ARS Facility Restriction Level
- Allow List Tie and DID trunk Allowed Lists assignment
- Disallow List Tie and DID trunk Disallowed Lists assignment
* BarrierCode Barrier code options 4–351
- SProg/Maint Not currently available
- Code Info Barrier code information
- Code Length Barrier code length
- Code Entry Barrier code assignment
- Restriction Remote Access with barrier code: restrictions
- Unrestricted
- Outward Restrict
- Toll Restrict
- ARS Restrict Remote Access with barrier code: ARS Restriction
- Allow List Remote Access with barrier code: Allowed Lists
- DisallowLst Remote Access with barrier code: Disallowed Lists
* AutoQueuing Automatic Callback on busy pools or extensions 4–343
- Enable
- Disable
Pools Trunk to Pools assignment 4–72
Toll Type Toll prefix (1 or 0) requirement 4–44
HoldDiscnct Hold disconnect interval 4–47
PrncipalUsr Principal user for personal line 4–51
QCC Prior QCC queue priority level 4–54
QCC Oper QCC operator to receive calls 4–58
LS-ID Delay LS-ID delay for 800 LS-ID module 4–62