MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM
Page 2-8Installing the SPM Software
5. If your PC does not have a copy of PRINT.EXE in any directory listed in
your system’s PATH environment, the following message appears:
6. Press any key to continue installation. When SPM installation is complete
the following message appears:
7. Press any key
— If you installed DOS SPM using Method 1 in Step 2, close the DOS
Window by typing
at the DOS prompt and pressing . If
the window does not close, then the Close on Exit option for the
DOS window is not set. In this case, close the window by clicking on
the upper right window icon (the box with an x in it).
— If you installed DOS SPM using Method 2 in Step 2, the DOS
window closes automatically.
8. If the print.exe file was copied to your PC in Step 5, you must reboot your
9. You should now configure a PIF file for SPM. Use the instructions that