MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 4-301Optional Group Features
Console Procedure → →Dial pickup group no.→
→Dial ext. no.→ → → →
PC Procedure → →Type pickup group no.→ →Type ext. no.→
→ →
Group Paging 4
Use this procedure to assign or remove an extension from a paging group. A
paging group consists of telephone users who hear common announcements
over the telephone speakerphone. Only MLX telephones and analog multiline
telephones with speakerphones can be members of a paging group.
A maximum of six paging groups with a maximum of 10 extensions per group is
allowed. A seventh paging group, called the Page All group, is not limited and
includes all telephones connected to the system. Extensions cannot be added to
or removed from the Page All group.
To reassign an extension to a new paging group, just assign it; the extension is
automatically removed from its old paging group.
Summary: Group Paging 4
Programmable by System Manager
Mode All
Idle Condition Not required
Planning Form Form 7b, Group Paging
Factory Setting Not applicable
Valid Entries Extension number
Inspect Yes
Copy Option No
Console Procedure
→More→Group Page→Dial paging group
→ →Dial ext. no.→ → →
PC Procedure → → →Type paging group no.→ →
Type ext. no.→ → →