MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM
Page 2-36Using SPM
Convert 2
The Convert option (which can be used remotely) simplifies upgrading from an
earlier release to a current release of the communications system (see
“Upgrading the System” on page 2–57
). This procedure should be done only by
qualified service personnel.
Convert uses two files: the existing backup file (the “convert from” file) and the
converted file (the “convert to” file), which is created when you run the Convert
option. The converted file contains system programming information in an
uncompressed form. The “convert from” file is unchanged. Because
uncompressed files take longer to process than compressed files, you may want
to restore this uncompressed backup to the old control unit and then create a new
backup. This new backup is in compressed form and does not have to be
converted. For more information about compressed and uncompressed files see
“Backup” on page 2–27
To convert system programming to Release 6.0 format, Version 6.15 (or later) of
SPM is required. This version can be easily identified by the version number,
in the upper left corner of the screen.
Help screens are available to guide you through the Convert procedure. See
“SPM Help” on page 26.
Before you use the Convert option, you must complete the following tasks:
■ If your PC has a hard disk, install the appropriate version of the SPM
software. See “Upgrading the System” on page 57.
■ Back up system programming. See “Backup” on page 27.
■ Make sure you know the name of the backup file that you have created.
1. Once the actual file conversion begins, you cannot stop the process;
pressing has no effect.
2.If multiple MERLIN LEGEND Systems are networked together, when
converting to Release 6.0 the hub switch should be converted first. This
will provide a working network in the event that all of the switches in the
network are not converted at the same time.
Follow the steps below to perform the conversion.