MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Procedures
Page 4-30Lines and Trunks
Type of Trunk 4
Use this procedure to specify the type of trunk, loop-start (LS) or ground-start
(GS), for each outside trunk connected to one of the following modules:
■ 400 GS/LS
■ 408 GS/LS
■ 800 GS/LS
■ 408 GS/LS-MLX
■ 800 GS/LS-ID (loop-start trunks only)
Any combination of trunk types (all loop-start, all ground-start, or some of each) is
This procedure is not used for a system registered with a KF registration number
(Key or Behind Switch). Ground-start trunks are allowed only for systems with an
MF (Hybrid) or PF (PBX) registration number.
Summary: Type of Trunk 4
Programmable by System Manager
Mode All
Idle Condition None required
Planning Form Form 2c, System Numbering: Line/Trunk Jacks
Factory Setting All loop-start
Valid Entries All Ground, All Loop, Ground-Start, Loop-Start
Inspect Yes
Copy Option Yes
Console Procedure
→ →Dial slot no.→ →
Select trunk type→Dial port no.→ → →
PC Procedure → →Type slot no.→ →Select trunk type→
Type port no.→ → →