MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Centralized Telephone Programming
Page 5-25Feature Quick Reference
Do Not Disturb 5
Assign a button to prevent calls from ringing at the telephone.
Summary: Do Not Disturb 5
Telephones Analog multiline and MLX telephones (except QCC)
Mode All
Programmable by Users and system manager
Programming Code
Display Label
Drop 5
Assign a button to access the host system Drop feature.
Summary: Drop 5
Telephones Analog multiline and MLX telephones (except QCC)
Mode Behind Switch
Programmable by Users and system manager
Programming Code
Display Label
Extension Status 5
Assign a button to allow system operators or supervisors to monitor the status of
extensions and restrict use of telephones (hotel configuration) or to change group
members’ availability to take calls (Group Calling/CMS configuration).
Summary: DLC Extension Status 5
Telephones DLCs only
Mode All
Programmable by System manager
Programming Code Off:
Display Label ,