
Advanced Configuration AP-700 User Guide
AIFSN: Arbitration IFS per access category. Configurable range is 2 to 15.
Tx OP Limit: The Transmission Opportunity Limit. The Tx OP is an interval of time during which a particular QoS
enhanced client has the right to initiate a frame exchange sequence onto the wireless medium. The Tx OP Limit
defines the upper limit placed on the value of Tx OP a wireless entity can obtain for a particular access category.
Configurable range is 0 to 65535.
MSDU Lifetime: specifies the maximum elapsed time between a MSDU transfer request and delivery to the
destination, beyond which delivery becomes unnecessary. Configurable range is 0 to 500 seconds.
Admission Control Mandatory: Possible values are True or False. Admission control defines if an Access Point
accepts or rejects a requested traffic stream with certain QoS specifications, based on available channel capacity
and link conditions. Admission control can be configured for each Access Category (Index).
On the Policy sub-tab, the user can also configure a medium maximum threshold for all Admission Controls.
Admission will be granted if the new requested traffic stream and already admitted time is less than the medium
maximum threshold.