Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-700 User Guide
Parameter Tables
Specifying the Mapping between IP Precedence/DSCP Ranges and 802.1D Priorities
The QoS IP DSCP to 802.1D Mapping Table specifies the mapping between IP Precedence/DSCP Ranges and 802.1D
QoS Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) Parameters
The following commands configure the client (STA) and AP Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) parameters.
The EDCA parameter set provides information needed by the client stations for proper QoS operation during the wireless
contention period. These parameters are used by the QoS enabled AP to establish policy, to change policies when
accepting new stations or new traffic, or to adapt to changes in the offered load. The EDCA parameters assign priorities
to traffic types where higher priority packets gain access to the wireless medium more frequently than lower priority
NOTE: We have defined default recommended values for EDCA parameters; we recommend not modifying EDCA
parameters unless strictly necessary.
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
QoS IP DSCP to 802.1D
Mapping Table
Table N/A N/A qosdscpto1dtbl
Table Index (Primary
Integer 0 - 7 R index
802.1D Priority Integer 0 - 7 R 1dpriority
IP DSCP Lower Limit Integer 0 - 62 RW dscplower
IP DSCP Upper Limit Integer 1 - 63 RW dscpupper
Table Row Status Row Status enable
RW status
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
STA EDCA Table Table N/A N/A qosedcatbl
Table Index Integer 3 (Wireless A)
4 (Wireless B)
QoS Access Category Integer 1 (Best Effort)
2 (Background)
3 (Video)
4 (Voice)
CWmin Integer 0 - 255 RW cwmin
CWmax Integer 0 - 65535 RW cwmax
AIFSN Integer 2 - 15 RW aifsn
Tx OP Limit Integer 0 - 65535 RW txoplimit
MSDU Lifetime Integer 0 - 500 RW msdulifetime
AC Mandatory Truth Value 1 (Enable)
2 (Disable)
RW acmandatory
AP EDCA Table Table N/A N/A qosqapedcatbl
Table Index Integer 3 (Wireless A)
4 (Wireless B)
QoS Access Category Integer 1 (Best Effort)
2 (Background)
3 (Video)
4 (Voice)
CWmin Integer 0 - 255 RW cwmin