Fig.5-3: Series connection for positive/negative output voltages
(*) Diodes are user supplied.
Programming by external resistor is possible. Refer to
4. Programming via the Serial
The communication port is referenced to the IF_COM
cation port (RS232/RS485):
which is isolated from the power su
Therefore power supplies connected in series can be
tors. Refer to Chapter 7 for details.
5.14.2 Series connection for positive and negative output voltage
In this mode, two units are co
figured as a positive and negative output. Set the Output Current limit
of each power supply to the maximum that the load can handle without damage. It is recommended
that diodes be connected in p
arallel with each unit output to prevent reverse voltage during start
in case one of the units shuts down. Each diode should be rated to at least the power supply rated
output voltage and output current. Refer to Fig.5
Remote programming in series operation for positive and negative output voltage
1. Programming by external voltage:
The analog programming circuits of this power su
ply are referenced to the negative output potential.
Therefore, the circuits u
connected unit must be separated and floated from
2. Using the SO function and PS_OK signal:
Off and PS_OK circuits are referenced to
the isolated interface common, IF_COM (J1
The IF_COM terminals of t
nected to obtain a single control circuit for the power
supplies connected in series.
3. Programming by external resistor:
Programming by external resistor is possible. Refer
to section 6.5 for details.
4. Programming via the Serial
Communication port (RS232/RS485):
communication port is referenced to the
IF_COM which is isolated from the power supply
output potential. Therefore power supplies co
nected in series can be chained using the Remote