Returns the power supply operation mode. When the power
1) it will return “CV” or “CC”. When the power supply is OFF (OUT 0 or fault
Returns the Master/Slave setting. Master: n= 1, 2, 3, or 4 Slave: n=0
1. In Advanced parallel mode (refer to S
ec. 5.15.2), “n” is the total system current.
2. In Advanced parallel mode, “MC?” returns the Master unit current multiplied by the number of slave
All supplies, even if not the currently addressed su
the command. No response to the PC issuing the command will be returned to the PC. The PC iss
ing the command will be responsible to delay and any other communications until the command is
minimum is the suggested delay.
If the command contains an error, out of range values for example, no error report will be sent to the
Reset. Brings the power supply to a safe and known state:
Output voltage: 0V, output curr
ent: 0A, OUT: Off, Remote: RMT 1,
AST: Off OVP: Max, UVL: 0.
The conditional register (FLT and STAT) are updated. Other registers are
Latching faults (FB, OVP, SO) are cleared, OU
Sets the output voltage value in volts. The range of voltage values is shown in
5. ‘n’ may be up to 12 char plus dec. pt
Program the output current value in amperes. The range of current values is
6. ‘n’ may be up to 12 char plus dec. pt
Turns the output to ON or OFF:
“OUT 0/OFF” = turnoff, clears CV and CC bits in the Status Condition (STAT).
OUT ON will respond with “E07’ if the output cannot be turned on because of a
latching fault (OTP< AC, ENA, SO) shutdown.
Save present settings. Same settings as power
down last settings listed in E
Reference source not found. Except the address and Baud rate are not saved
Saves to the RAM. These settings are erased
switched off and the new ‘last settings’ are saved.
Recall last settings. Settings are from last power
down or from last ‘SAV’ or
‘GSAV’ command. Address and Baud rate are not recalled so comm