12. Remove Bread from the Bread Pan
a) With protective hot pads or insulated oven mitts, hold the
bread pan handle to one side and turn the bread pan upside
down onto a wire rack. Gently shake the bread out of the
bread pan. The paddle should remain in the bread pan. If
it is stuck in the bread, use a non-metal utensil to gently
remove it, taking care not to scratch the paddle.
If the bread is difficult to remove, turn the bread pan on
its side and with protective hot pads or insulted oven
mitts, wiggle the wing-nut on the underside of the bread
pan a few times. This will loosen the paddle from the
bread. Over-turning the wing-nut can drive the paddle
further into the bread and create a large hole.
b) Place the bread upright on the wire rack to cool for at least
20 minutes before slicing.
The exception is yeast free breads (also known as quick breads,
batter breads or cakes). Allow these breads to remain in the
bread pan for 20 minutes on a wire rack before removing, then
allow to cool for 15 to 30 minutes before slicing.
Always use protective hot pads or insulated oven mitts
when handling the bread pan, paddle and bread as they
will be very hot. Always remove the paddle from the
baked bread before slicing. Never use metal utensils to
remove the paddle.