electrolux recipes
Fish filet with cheese sauce
Utensils: Bowl with lid (1 l capacity)
Shallow round gratin dish
(approx. 25 cm diameter)
800 g fish fillets
2 tbsp lemon juice
10 g butter or margarine
50 g onion, finely chopped
20 g flour
100 ml white wine
1 tsp vegetable oil to grease the dish
100 g Emmental cheese, grated
2 tbsp parsley, chopped
1. Wash the fish, pat dry and sprinkle
with lemon juice. Rub with salt.
2. Grease the bowl. Add the diced
onion, cover and cook.
1-2 min. 900 W
3. Sprinkle the flour over the onions and
white wine and mix.
4. Grease the gratin dish and place the
fish in it. Pour the sauce over the fish
and sprinkle with cheese. Place on the
rack and cook.
1. 7-8 min. 450 W and then
2. 14-16 min. 450 W
After cooking, stand for approx. 2 min.
Almond trout
Utensils: Shallow oval gratin dish
(approx. 32 cm long)
4 trout (200 g), trimmed
juice of one lemon
30 g butter or margarine
50 g flour
10 g butter or margarine to grease
the dish
50 g almond flakes
Tip: Suitable accompanying dishes are
parsley potatoes and a green salad.
1. Wash and dry the trout and sprinkle
with lemon juice. Rub salt to the
interior and exterior of the fish and
leave to stand for 15 min.
2. Melt the butter.
1 min. 900 W
3. Dry the fish, spread with butter and roll
in the flour.
4. Grease the dish. Put the trout in the
dish and cook on the low rack. Two
thirds through the cooking period turn
the trout and scatter the almonds over
15-18 min. 450 W
After cooking, stand for approx. 2 min.
Zürich veal stew
Utensils: Dishl with lid (2 l capacity)
600 g veal fillet
10 g butter or margarine
50 g onion, finely chopped
100 ml white wine
seasoned gravy browning, for
l gravy
300 ml cream
1 tbsp parsley, chopped
1. Cut the veal into strips.
2. Grease the dish with the butter. Put
the meat and onion into the dish,
cover and cook. Stir once during
6-9 min. 900 W
3. Add the white wine, gravy browning
and cream, stir, cover and continue
cooking. Stir occasionally.
3-5 min. 900 W
4. Stir the mixture after cooking, stand
for approx. 5 min. Garnish with
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