Edit Mode
Edit/Play Switch
Move this switch to access the 11 selectable parameters in Edit mode. The mixes you create in Edit
will automatically be placed in the last selected program location when you move the switch to Play.
When you move the switch to Edit, the numbers and letters in the display will refer to the Aura
parameters. In Edit, you select a Parameter, then dial it in with the Data knob.
Data Knob
In the Edit mode use the Data knob to change the behavior of the selected parameter.
Effect on/off Switch
The Effect on/off lets you bypass the blended Sound Image/pickup mixes in both the Play and Edit
modes, so that only the basic pickup signal from your instrument appears at the Aura’s outputs. Use
the Effect on/off switch to help set baseline levels for your mixes (see Level below) and to compare
your raw pickup sound to the processed sound.
Any time you want to change the parameters in a program location (ex: change the Sound Image, the EQ,
blend, compression, etc.), or configure an unused program:
1 Start with the switch in Play.
2 Use the Data control or the Up and Down switches to locate the program number you wish to configure.
3 Move the switch to the Edit position. Now you can access the items listed around the Parameter knob.
4 Use the Data control to adjust the behavior of each selected parameter.
5 Once you are satisfied with the adjustments you’ve made, move the switch from Edit to Play and your changes
will be saved to the last selected program location.
NOTE: To help keep track of your mixes, use the blank Programs page found in the back of this manual.
Acoustic Imaging Blender
Inner Workings - continued