Effect on/off Switch
The Effect on/off lets you bypass the blended sound image/pickup mixes in both the Play and Edit
modes, so that only the basic pickup signal from your instrument appears at the Aura’s outputs. Use
the Effect on/off switch to help set baseline levels for your mixes (see Level above) and to compare
your raw pickup sound to the processed sound.
This digital chromatic tuner has several programmable features to fit your
performance needs. When the tuner is engaged, it is factory set to mute the
Aura’s outputs. The mute can also be disabled (see below).
Tuner Setup
1 Move Edit/Play switch to Play
2 Press the two bracketed Tuner On (UP and Down) footswitches simultaneously to
activate the tuner.
3 Play an open string and the tuner will show the closest note name in the display.
4 Watch the LEDs over each foot switch to dial in the note.
5 If the left LED lights, the note is flat.
6 If the right LED lights, the note is sharp.
7 When the center LED lights, the note is in tune.
8 To shut off the tuner, press either the Tuner Off (Feedback Cancel) footswitch or both
the bracketed Tuner ON (UP and Down) footswitches simultaneously.
Mute Defeat
If you wish to override the mute function of the tuner, tap the Down footswitch when the tuner is engaged. A dot will light up in the upper left corner of
the display and the pickup signal will appear at the Aura’s outputs. This will now be the normal operating state of the tuner, unless you press the Down
footswitch again and re-engage the mute before exiting the tuner.
If you wish to re-calibrate the tuner above or below the factory A = 440, turn the Data control while the tuner is engaged. You can lower the reference A
to 427 Hz or raise it as high as 453 Hz. Your new calibration pitch will remain the Aura’s memory unless until you decide to change it again.
TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: If the Tuner is not registering when you play, it may not be seeing enough signal from your
instrument. Raise the Input level until the middle yellow LED flashes frequently when you play aggressively and the tuner
will start tracking properly.
Inner Workings - continued
Acoustic Imaging Blender