Acoustic Imaging Blender
Adjust the EQ
Move the Parameter knob to Bass, Mid or Treble for either the Aura or Pickup and adjust to taste with the Data knob. For best results, apply
EQ to the “Aura” side (Sound Image) sparingly. You can apply EQ more liberally for the pickup side. Typically you boost Bass and Treble a
bit and cut Mid for the pickup. After you apply EQ, go back to Blend and double-check the balance between the pickup and the Aura (Sound
Set the Compressor (optional)
If you want a bit more punch and sustain from your sound, move the Parameter knob to Compressor and turn the Data knob clockwise.
For strumming, set the compressor to about C1 or C2. For single note leads and fingerstyle, turn the Data knob clockwise past C9 to L1 or
Check the Level
Turn the Parameter knob to Level and check the overall volume of your mix by pushing the Effect On/Off switch several times. Use the Data
knob to match the level of the mix to the dry, unadorned pickup sound.
Set Feedback Cancel
Once you have all your parameters adjusted, raise the Output level and see if the instrument will feedback. If it does, lower the Output Level,
then hold down the Feedback Cancel footswitch for over two seconds until the LED over the switch flashes. Raise the output level until the
feedback returns and it will be recognized by the Feedback Cancel circuit and eliminated.
Finish Up
Now that you have set up all the parameters, move the Edit/Play switch back to Play and you are done. Remember that the location of any
mix you create will always get assigned to the last selected program location. Go make some music!
Suggestions for Mixes
Rhythm Guitar
Cut mids for both the Aura (Sound Image) and the pickup EQ. Try adding a little bit of “C” compression (C1 or C2) to fill out the chords.
Blend in a bit more Sound Image than pickup (about 5 or 6 in the display) and cut the treble for the Aura (Sound Image).
Set Blend to 3 or 4 and boost bass slightly for the Aura (Sound Image). Boost bass and treble and cut the mids for the pickup. Use a little
bit of “L” Compression (L1 or L2) for more “snap”.
Nylon String
Classical guitars tend to have a very open bass response, so cut bass for the Aura (Sound Image).
Solo (boost) setting
If you need more level for a solo section in a piece, go to the level parameter and boost as required.
Mute setting
You can effectively mute any program location you choose.
1 Go to Play mode and select the program location you wish to mute.
2 Go to Edit mode and set the Select parameter to “oF”.
3 Set the Blend parameter to 4.
4 Go to the Phase parameter and toggle the Data knob back and forth. Leave the Data knob in the position that mutes the sound.
5 Return to Play mode.
For recording, set the Blend parameter to 7 or A.