whether or not a value is sent with the command following a “=” character. For
example “s”<CR> will return the current set-point and “s=150.0”<CR> will set
the set-point to 150.0 degrees.
In the following list of commands, characters or data within brackets, “[” and
“]”, are optional for the command. A slash, “/”, denotes alternate characters or
data. Numeric data, denoted by “n”, may be entered in decimal or exponential
notation. Characters are shown in lower case although upper case may be used.
Spaces may be added within command strings and will simply be ignored.
Backspace (BS, ASCII 8) may be used to erase the previous character. A termi
nating CR is implied with all commands.
10 Digital Communication Interface
Command Description
Example Returned
Set serial linefeed mode to on lf[eed]=on lf=on
Set serial linefeed mode to off lf[eed]=of[f] lf=of
Read R0 calibration parameter r[0] r r0: 999.999 r0: 100.578
Set R0 calibration parameter to n
r[0]=n r=100.324 90 to 110
Read ALPHA calibration parameter al[pha] al al: 9.9999999 al: 0.0038573
Set ALPHA calibration parameter
to n
al[pha]=n al=0.0038433 .002 to .005
Read DELTA calibration parameter de[lta] de de:9.99999 de: 1.507
Set DELTA calibration parameter de[lta]=n de=1.3742 0–3.0
Read BETA calibration parameter be[ta] be be:99.999 be:03427
Set BETA calibration parameter be[ta]=n be=0.342 –20 to 20
Read firmware version number *ver[sion] *ver ver.9999,9.99 ver.7103,2.00
Read structure of all commands h[elp] h list of commands
Read all operating parameters all all list of parameters
Legend: [] Optional Command data
{} Returns either information
n Numeric data supplied by user
9 Numeric data returned to user
x Character data returned to user
Note: When DUPLEX is set to FULL and a command is sent to READ, the command is returned followed by a car
riage return and linefeed. Then the value is returned as indicated in the RETURNED column.
Controller Communications Commands continued