13 Trouble Shooting
If problems arise while operating the CTR –80, this section provides some sug
gestions that may help you solve the problem. A wiring diagram is also
13.1 Troubleshooting
Below are several situations that may arise followed by suggested actions to
take for fixing the problem.
Incorrect Temperature Reading
Power the unit on and watch the display. If the first number displayed is
less than “-0005-”, the unit has been re-initialized. The unit needs to be
reprogrammed for R0, ALPHA, DELTA, and BETA. These numbers can
be found on the Report of Calibration that was shipped with the unit.
The unit heats slowly
• Check the Scan and Scan Rate settings. The Scan may be on with the
Scan Rate set low.
If the display flashes any of the following:
“err 1" - This error means there is a RAM error
“err 2" - This error means there is a NVRAM error
“err 3" - This error means there is a RAM error
“err 4" - This error means there is an ADC set up error
“err 5" - This error means there is an ADC ready error
“err 6" - This error means there is a SENSOR error
“err 7" - This error means there is a HtrCTL error
Cycle the power off and on again. If the unit repeats the error code, con
tact GE Kaye Instruments Customer Support for a return authorization
and for assistance.
The bath does not turn on
If a fault condition exists upon application of power, the bath will not en
This bath needs to be plugged into the line voltage for at least 2 minutes
before turning power on. This is only necessary for the first time that the
bath is energized or when it is moved from one location to another.
13 Trouble Shooting