12 Maintenance
The calibration instrument has been designed with the utmost care. Ease
of operation and simplicity of maintenance have been a central theme in
the product development. Therefore, with proper care the instrument
should require very little maintenance. Avoid operating the instrument in
dirty or dusty environments.
If the outside of the bath becomes soiled, it may be wiped clean with a
damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use harsh chemicals on the surface
which may damage the paint.
Periodically check the fluid level in the bath to ensure that the level has
not dropped. A drop in the fluid level affects the stability of the bath.
Changes in fluid level are dependent upon several factors specific to the
environment in which the equipment is used. A schedule cannot be out
lined to meet each environmental setting. Therefore, the first year the bath
should be checked weekly with notes kept as to changes in bath fluid. Af-
ter the first year, the user can set up a maintenance schedule based on the
data specific to the application.
• Heat transfer medium lifetime is dependent upon the type of medium and
the environment. The fluid should be checked at least every month for the
first year and regularly thereafter. This fluid check provides a baseline for
knowledge of bath operation with clean, usable fluid. Once some fluids
have become compromised, the break down can occur rapidly. Particular
attention should be paid to the viscosity of the fluid. A significant change
in the viscosity can indicate that the fluid is contaminated, being used out-
side of its temperature limits, contains ice particles, or is close to a chemi
cal break-down. Once data has been gathered, a specific maintenance
schedule can be outline for the instrument. Refer to the General Operation
section (Section 8) for more information about the different types of flu
ids used in calibration baths.
If a hazardous material is spilt on or inside the equipment, the user is re
sponsible for taking the appropriate decontamination steps as out-lined by
the national safety council with respect to the material. MSDS sheets ap
plicable to all fluids used in the baths should be kept in close proximity to
the instrument.
If the mains supply cord becomes damaged, replace it with a cord with
the appropriate gauge wire for the current of the bath. If there are any
questions, call GE Kaye Instruments Customer Service for more informa
Before using any cleaning or decontamination method except those rec
ommended by Kaye, users should check with GE Kaye Instruments Cus
12 Maintenance