
Reset Conditions
When the Microwave Switch is switched on or *RST (reset), all channels
are set to open (refer to Figure 2-6), and the current channel list for scanning
is invalidated. Table 3-2 lists the parameters and default values for the
functions described in Chapter 3.
Table 3-2. *RST (Reset) Default Conditions and Values
Parameter Default Description
ARM:COUNt 1 Number of scanning cycles is one.
TRIGger:SOURce IMM Will advance scanning cycles automatically.
INITiate:CONTinuous OFF Number of scanning cycles is determined by
OUTPut:STATe OFF "Trig Out" port on mainframe is disabled.
SCAN:MODE NONE Not used by the Microwave Switch modules.
SCAN:PORT NONE Not used by the Microwave Switch modules.
Caution When the Microwave Switch is powered up, signals connected
to the normally closed (N/C) port will also be connected to the
output port (refer to Figure 2-6).
Note The Microwave Switch modules do not support 4-wire resistance scanning
30 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules Chapter 3