
350 OUTPUT 70915;"*CLS"
360 STOP
Comments If you have an HP 75000 Series B mainframe with a front panel keyboard,
errors can be monitored by selecting “Monitor” from the Switch menu. If
errors occur when the program executes, the “err” annunciator will appear.
SYST:ERR? repeatedly from the keyboard reads all of the
messages in the error queue. The HP 75000 Series B Mainframe User’s
Manual contains detailed information on the Status and Standard Event
Status Registers.
Synchronizing the Microwave Switch
This section discusses synchronizing the Microwave Switch module to
other instruments when making measurements.
The following example shows how you synchronize instruments. In this
example, the Microwave Switch switches a signal to be measured by a
counter. This program verifies that the switching is complete before the
counter begins a measurement. For the example, use:
an HP-IB select code of 7, primary address of 09, and secondary
address of 06 for the Counter
an HP-IB select code of 7, primary address of 09, and secondary
address of 15 for the Microwave Switch
an HP Series 200/300 Computer with HP BASIC
10 !Close channel 101 and request confirmation that the channel is
15 !closed.
20 OUTPUT 70915;"CLOSE (@101);*OPC?"
30 !Read confirmation.
35 OUTPUT 70915;"CLOSE? (@101)"
40 ENTER 70915;A
50 !At this point (channel is closed) the measurement can be made.
60 OUTPUT 70906: “MEAS1:FREQ?”
70 ENTER 70906:Meas_value
80 END
Chapter 3 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules 45