
Example: Channel
Switching using the
E1370A and the
33366K Microwave
This example illustrates how to make connections to different ports on the
HP E1370A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver and the HP 33366K
Single-pole, Six-throw Microwave Switch. Figure 3-3 shows how the board
and switch are configured.
To connect C to Port 1, execute:
CLOS (@103)
To connect C to Port 2, execute:
OPEN (@103) Opens the connection to port 1.
CLOS (@101) Closes the connection to port 2.
To connect C to Port 3, execute:
OPEN (@101) Opens the connection to port 2.
CLOS (@102) Closes the connection to port 3.
To connect C to Port 2, execute:
OPEN (@102) Opens the connection to port 3.
CLOS (@100) Closes the connection to port 4.
To connect C to Port 2, execute:
OPEN (@100) Opens the connection to port 4.
CLOS (@104) Closes the connection to port 5.
Figure 3-3. Example: HP E1370A Multiple Channel Switching
Chapter 3 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules 33