• Push the new fi lter cloths (E) over the fi lter
brackets (F).
• Fasten the clamps (C) again.
• Push the fi lters (A) back into the ComfoAir 350.
" to cancel the fi lter indication.
Replace all fi lters (at least) once a year.
2.5.2 Cleaning Valves (in the Home)
The ventilation system is equipped with the follow-
ing valves:
Exhaust air valve (STB) Exhaust air valve (STC)
Exhaust air valve (STV) Exhaust air valve (STK)
Supply air valve (STH)
These valves have to be cleaned (at least) twice a
• Remove the valve from the wall or ceiling.
• Clean the valve in a warm soap solution.
• Rinse the valve thoroughly and dry it carefully.
• Install the valve again EXACTLY IN THE SAME
• Repeat this procedure for the other valves.
On the position of the valves ...
The installer has set all the valves so that the ventila-
tion system operates optimally with respect to the
volumetric air fl ows. Do not therefore change the
setting of the valves.
2.6.2 3-position Switch with Malfunction LED
In the event of a malfunction, 3-position switches
with a malfunction LED start to light up. Depending
on the type of 3-position switch, this takes place in
one of two ways:
• 3-position switch with malfunction LED.
" ! The LED lights up in the event of a mal-
function (and in the event of a fi lter warning).
• Wireless 3-position switch with malfunction
" ! The LEDs light up as soon as the 3-posi-
tion switch is used. The LED lights up
green once to signal that a communication
has been made. In the event of a malfunc-
tion or a 'Filter dirty' warning, both LEDs light
up red three times. Finally both LEDs light
Instructions for the User 15
• Insert the plug of the MTD-ERV 350 into the
plug socket again.
• Press "
eht lla llatsni SYAWLA uoy taht erusnE
valves in exactly the same position (and
in the same ventilation slot in the wall
or ceiling) after cleaning, otherwise opti-
mum operation of the ventilation system
cannot be assured.
The ventilation air is admitted and discharged via
valves. Gaps under the doors in the dwelling en-
sure that the air circulates in the right direction. In
order to ensure that the right volume of ventilation
air is maintained in the right rooms, pay attention
to the following points:
• Do not seal the gaps.
• Do not change the setting of the valves.
• Do not interchange the valves.
2.6 Malfunctions
A malfunction in the MTD-ERV 350 is displayed as
• A malfunction indication appears on the dis-
play of the CC Ease.
• The malfunction LED on the 3-position switch
lights up.
These measures are described in more detail in the
following sections.
2.6.1 Malfunction indication on the CC Ease
In the event of a malfunction, a malfunction code
appears on the CC Ease display. The display then al-
ways shows an 'A' or 'E' code with the corresponding
numbers. By referring to the overview of malfunc-
tions in section 4.7.1, you can fi nd out what the par-
ticular malfunction indication means.