32 Instructions for the Installer
Values for additional control functions
Sub-menu Description Minimum Maximum Standard
P60 Indicate presence of a
geothermal heat exchanger (GHE).
0 (= No) 1 (= Yes) 0
P61 Setting the percentage that the sup-
ply air fan must run higher when
the valve of the geothermal heat ex-
changer (EWT) is open.
0% 99% 0%
P62 Tghe, low 0% 15% 7%
P63 Tghe, high 10% 25% 23%
P64 Tnaheater, desired 5% 40% 18%
Menu P7 ! Read off malfunctions (and system information)
Values for additional control functions
P57 Setting the MTD-ERV 350 Type.
• Li = Left-hand version.
• Re = Right-hand version.
The MTD-ERV 350 is set correctly at the
• Refer also to the identifi cation plate for
these data.
Li Re Li
(Not yet avail-
Setting the fan type.
• 0 = Standard.
• 1 = Constant volume.
• 2 = Constant pressure.
The MTD-ERV 350 is set correctly at the
• Constant volume or constant pressure
fans cannot be installed subsequently.
0 2 0
P59 Enthalpy exchanger installed 0 (= No) 1 (= Yes) with
moisture sen-
2 (= Yes) with-
out moisture
Menu P6 Setting additional control functions
Values (malfunction) information
P70 Current software version. Software version number
noitcnuflam dna mrala ot gnidnopserroc edoC.noitcnuflam tsaL17P
display (see section 4.7)
P72 Last malfunction but one Code corresponding to alarm and malfunction
display (see section 4.7)
P73 Last malfunction but two Code corresponding to alarm and malfunction
display (see section 4.7)
P74 Reset a malfunction on the
MTD-ERV 350.
0 1 0