Cheese & Egg dishes
75g (3oz) plain flour
pinch of salt
1 egg
75 ml (2½ fl.oz) milk
75 ml (2½ fl.oz) water
oil for tin
Serves 4-6
Dish: 12 section bun tin
Oven Accessory: wire shelf in lower position
Place flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the
centre and break in egg. Beat egg into flour and
gradually add milk and water, beating well until smooth.
Stand until required. Place 5ml (1tsp) oil in each section
of Yorkshire Pudding bun tins. Place on shelf and
preheat oven on CONVECTION 220°C. Pour batter into
heated oil in tins. Place on wire shelf and cook on
CONVECTION 220°C for 20-25 mins. or until well risen
and brown.
Yorkshire Puddings
1kg (2lb 2oz) baking potatoes,
peeled and halved
1 onion, finely chopped
225g (8oz) smoked back bacon, cut
into strips
225g (8oz) brie
142ml (
¼ pt) single cream
Serves 4-6
Dish: shallow dish, bowl, oval heatproof dish,
Oven Accessory: no accessory then wire shelf
on lower level
Place potatoes in a dish with 3 tbsp. water. Cover, place
on base and par-boil on MEDIUM MICROWAVE for 15
mins. Place onion and bacon in bowl and cook on HIGH
MICROWAVE for 5 mins. Stir halfway. Chop cheese into
chunks. Layer half the potatoes in the buttered ovenproof
dish. Scatter over half of the onion, bacon & cheese.
Lightly season with salt & pepper. Repeat layers, then
pour cream evenly over the top. Place on shelf and cook
MICROWAVE for 20 mins. or until golden brown. and
Tasty Potato Bake