Valco electronic Valve Oven Microwave Oven User Manual

Operating Manual 57
PKD Packed Column Injector
PN part number
PPKD Purged Packed Column Injector
psi pounds per square inch
PTV Programmable Temperature Vaporizing Injector
RAM random access memory
RF radio frequency
ROM read-only memory
RS-232 industry standard for serial communications
s second
S/SL Split/Splitless Injector
sag See surge
slow average A gradual, long-term change in average RMS voltage level,
with typical durations greater than 2 s.
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
source current The current needed to ignite a source, such as a detector
surge A sudden change in average RMS voltage level, with typical
duration between 50 µs and 2 s.
TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector