Corn Bread
1.0 Pound Loaf INGREDIENTS 2.5 Pound Loaf
cup + 1 tbsp.
Milk, 80° F 1
cup + 7 tsp.
1 Egg 1
2 tbsp. Butter or Margarine 3 tbsp.
1 tsp. Salt 1 tsp.
1 tbsp. Sugar 2 tbsp.
1 cup Bread Flour 2 cups
1 cup Cornmeal 2 cups
3 tsp. Baking Powder 4 tsp.
For all of the following recipes, follow these general guidelines. The following should be
baked on setting 3, “French.”
Add liquids to the bread pan first, then dry ingredients. Level the dry ingredients; quarter
the butter or margarine and add to the corners. Make an impression in the center of the
dry ingredients and add the yeast. Close the lid, select “Menu,” choose setting desired,
select “TEMP,” then select “Loaf” to size indicated in recipe.
French Bread
1.0 Pound Loaf INGREDIENTS 2.5 Pound Loaf
cup + 3 tbsp.
, 80° F
1½ cups + 3 tbsp.
1 tbsp. Butter or Margarine 3 tsp.
2 cups Bread Flour 4 cups
1 tbsp. Sugar 2 tbsp.
1 tsp. Salt 1 ½ tsp.
1 tsp. Active Dry Yeast 1¾ tsp.
For all of the following recipes, follow these general guidelines. The following should be
baked on setting 4, “Super Rapid.” Many recipes can be converted to the Super Rapid
cycle. Use your recipe of choice and add an additional teaspoon of yeast for those recipes
using yeast. DO NOT use any quick bread recipes on this setting.
Basic Super Rapid Bread
1.0 Pound Loaf INGREDIENTS 2.5 Pound Loaf
cup + 1 tbsp.
Water, 80° F 1
cup + 4 tbsp.
1 Egg 1
1 tbsp. Butter or Margarine 3 tbsp.
1 tbsp. Dry Milk 3 tbsp.
2 cups Bread Flour 4 cups
2 tbsp. Sugar 4 tbsp.
1 tsp. Salt 1 ½ tsp.
2 tsp. Active Dry Yeast 3 ½ tsp.