By default, the user interface is displayed in Intermediate Mode. To switch to a
different user interface mode, follow these steps:
1. Open Acronis AntiVirus 2010.
2. Click the Settings button in the upper-right corner of the window.
In the User Interface Settingscategory, click the arrow on the button and select
the desired mode from the menu.
4. Click OK to save and apply the changes.
6.2.1. Novice Mode
If you are a computer beginner, displaying the user interface in Novice Mode may
be the most adequate choice for you. This mode is simple to use and requires
minimal interaction on your side.
Novice Mode
The window is organized into four main sections:
● Security Status informs you of the issues that affect your computer's security
and helps you fix them. By clicking Fix All Issues, a wizard will help you easily
remove any threats to your computer and data security. For detailed information,
please refer to “Fixing Issues” (p. 30).
● Protect Your PC is where you can find the necessary tasks to protect your
computer and data. The available tasks you can perform are different depending
on the selected usage profile.