The malware signatures of your Acronis AntiVirus
2010 product are outdated.
The update has not been
performed for x days
12.2. Quick Tasks
This is where you can find links to the most important security tasks:
● Update Now - starts an immediate update.
● System Scan - starts a full scan of your computer (archives excluded). For
addidtional on-demand scan tasks, click the on this button and select a different
scan task: My Documents Scan or Deep System Scan.
● Custom Scan - starts a wizard that lets you create and run a custom scan task.
12.2.1. Updating Acronis AntiVirus 2010
New malware is found and identified every day. This is why it is very important to
keep Acronis AntiVirus 2010 up to date with the latest malware signatures.
By default, Acronis AntiVirus 2010 checks for updates when you turn on your
computer and every hour after that. However, if you want to update Acronis
AntiVirus 2010, just click Update Now. The update process will be initiated and
the following window will appear immediately:
Updating Acronis AntiVirus 2010