8.2. Security Settings
In this area, you can enable or disable product settings that cover various aspects
of computer and data security. The current status of a setting is indicated using
one of these icons:
Green circle with a check mark: The setting is enabled.
Red circle with an exclamation mark: The setting is disabled.
To enable / disable a setting, select / clear the corresponding Enable check box.
Use caution when disabling real-time antivirus protection or automatic update.
Disabling these features may compromise your computer's security. If you really
need to disable them, remember to re-enable them as soon as possible.
The entire list of settings and their description is provided in the following table:
Real-time protection ensures that all files are scanned
as they are accessed by you or by an application
running on this system.
Automatic update ensures that the newest Acronis
AntiVirus 2010 product and signature files are
Automatic Update
downloaded and installed automatically, on a regular
Automatic vulnerability check ensures that crucial
software on your PC is up-to-date.
Vulnerability Check
Antiphishing detects and alerts you in real-time if a
web page is set up to steal personal information.
Identity Control helps you prevent your personal data
from being sent out on the Internet without your
Identity Control
consent. It blocks any instant messages, e-mail
messages or web forms transmitting data you defined
as being private to unauthorized recipients (addresses).
IM (Instant Messaging) Encryption secures your
conversations via Yahoo!Messenger and Windows Live
IM Encryption
Messenger provided that your IM contacts use a
compatible Acronis product and IM software.
The status ofsome ofthese settingsmay bemonitored by theissue trackingsystem
of Acronis AntiVirus 2010. If you disable a monitored setting, Acronis AntiVirus 2010
will indicate this as an issue that you need to fix.
Configuring Basic Settings