KMC0100E Your request failed. MQSeries channel configuration error.
Explanation: A configuration error was detected in the channel definition or
communication subsystem, and allocation of a conversation was not possible.
This may be caused by one of the following:
For LU 6.2, either the ModeName or the TpName is incorrect. The
ModeName must match that on the remote system, and the TpName must be
specified. (On OS/400, these are held in the communications Side Object.)
For LU 6.2, the session may not be established.
For TCP, the ConnectionName in the channel definition cannot be resolved to
a network address. This may be because the name has not been correctly
specified, or because the name server is not available.
The requested communications protocol may not be supported on the platform.
User Response: Identify the error and take appropriate action.
KMC0101E Your request failed. MQSeries connection refused.
Explanation: The attempt by MQSeries to establish a connection to a remote
system was rejected. The remote system might not be configured to allow a
connection from this system.
For LU 6.2 either the user ID or the password supplied to the remote system is
For TCP the remote system may not recognize the local system as valid, or the
TCP listener program may not be started.
User Response: Correct the error or restart the listener program.
KMC0102E Your request failed. MQSeries connection name invalid.
Explanation: The connection name in the channel definition could not be
resolved into a network address. Either the name server does not contain the
entry, or the name server was not available.
User Response: Ensure that the connection name is correctly specified and
that the name server is available.
KMC0103E Your request failed. MQSeries send failed.
Explanation: An error occurred while MQSeries was sending data to a remote
system. This may be caused by a communications failure.
User Response: Consult your MQSeries systems administrator.
KMC0104E Your request failed. MQSeries received data error.
Explanation: An error occurred while receiving data from a remote system. This
may be caused by a communications failure.
User Response: Consult your MQSeries systems administrator.
KMC0107E Your request failed. Insufficient MQSeries storage available.
Explanation: Insufficient storage is available for MQSeries.
User Response: Consult your MQSeries systems administrator.