
KLVSD033 BUFFERS INUSE(inuse) MAX(max) GETS(gets) FREES(frees)
Explanation: This message provides additional information about a buffer pool.
It follows KLVSD032.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Message Type: REPLY.
KLVSD034 SEGMENTS INUSE(inuse) MAX(max) GETS(gets) FREES(frees) Q(q)
Explanation: This message provides additional information about a buffer pool.
It follows KLVSD033.
inuse The number of buffers that are currently in use. This number is
obtained from the simple calculation of gets minus frees at the time
the display is requested.
max The maximum number of buffers from this pool that were ever
concurrently in use. This statistic is checked and updated, if
necessary, every time a buffer is obtained.
gets The number of buffer allocation requests directed to this pool. This
number is a simple running total of get requests throughout the life
of the system.
frees The number of buffer deallocation requests directed to this pool.
This number is a simple running total of free requests throughout
the life of the system.
inuse The number of segments that are currently in use. This number is
obtained from the simple calculation of gets minus frees at the time
the display is requested.
max The maximum number of segments that were ever concurrently
allocated to this pool. This statistic is checked and updated, if
necessary, every time a segment is obtained.
gets The number of segment allocations performed for this pool. This
number is a simple running total of get requests throughout the life
of the system.
frees The number of segment deallocations performed for this pool.
This number is a simple running total of free requests throughout
the life of the system.
q The number of segments currently on the free queue of segments
containing available buffers. This statistic is updated every time a
segment is added to or removed from the free queue.
qmax The maximum number of segments that were ever concurrently on
the free queue of segments containing available buffers. This
statistic is checked and updated, if necessary, every time a
segment is added to the free queue.