
[GROUP(group]) [TERM(terminal)] [APPL(appl)]
Explanation: Security validation for the specified user failed when the network
access manager (NAM) was called. Access to the group supplied has been
revoked for this userid. Fields of interest are the control point name cntrlpt, the
userid userid, the group group, the terminal name terminal, and the application
name appl. The control point name cntrlpt may be in the form cntrlpt1-cntrlpt2,
where cntrlpt1 refers to the control point used and cntrlpt2 to the control point
requested. The message is logged to create an audit trail, but this can be
overridden at start-up time.
System Action: This message is installation specific. This message will appear
with the use of an external security package. Access will no longer be allowed for
this userid/group due to excessive invalid password attempts, userid expiration, or
some other internal processing by the external security package. This message will
appear in RKLVLOG and may be seen at the terminal if the external security
package has not passed a message back to NAM. If a message was passed back
by the external security package, that message will be seen.
User Response: Access has been revoked for this userid/group combination.
Contact your security administrator for the external security package and have the
userid reset.
Message Type: INFO, VIEW.
[GROUP(group]) [TERM(terminal)] [APPL(appl)]
Explanation: Security validation for the specified user failed when the network
access manager (NAM) was called. The user userid is not authorized to use this
terminal. Fields of interest are the control point name cntrlpt, the userid userid, the
group group, the terminal name terminal, and the application name appl. The
control point name cntrlpt may be in the form cntrlpt1-cntrlpt2, where cntrlpt1
refers to the control point used and cntrlpt2 to the control point requested. The
message is logged to create an audit trail, but this can be overridden at start-up
System Action: This message is installation specific. This message will appear
with the use of an external security package. Access is not allowed for the userid
from the terminal where signon was attempted. This message will appear in
RKLVLOG and may be seen at the terminal if the external security package has
not passed a message back to NAM. If a message was passed back by the external
security package, that message will be seen.
User Response: If you are a user viewing this message on your screen, correct
the userid or signon from a different terminal. If the problem persists, contact the
security administrator for the external security package.
Message Type: INFO, VIEW.