442 Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
KO4SRV068 Input not supplied for required fields.
Explanation: A required parameter was not specified.
User Response: Enter the correct value for highlighted fields.
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV069 Situation definition &1 not found.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) could not locate situation
definition &1.
User Response: If the definition contains mixed case characters, enclose the
definition in single quotes. Check that situation &1 is spelled correctly.
Severity: 10
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV070 Configuration information changed.
Explanation: The CONFIGURE CMS command was used to change
configuration options.
User Response: View current configuration options. End the Candle
Management Server (CMS) and then start it again to run with new options.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV071 Data not valid for this field.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) detected incorrect data
for a specific field. For example, a field that requires numeric data contains
character data.
User Response: Verify that you are using the kind of data required for this
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV072 Not able to read record in configuration file.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) encountered error
condition &1, message ID &2 while reading keyed record &3 in file &4. Either the
key length is incorrect or an I/O error occurred. The configuration file is not read.
User Response: Check the file for errors and try the configuration command
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:Unattended
KO4SRV073 Not able to locate record in configuration file.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) encountered error
condition &1, error ID &2 while locating keyed record &3 in file &4. Either the file
was not opened for read operations or an I/O error occurred. The configuration
file was not read.
User Response: Check the configuration file for errors and try the command
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:Unattended