46 Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
KLVOP191 REPLY FROM operator: COMMAND(command)
Explanation: Operator operator issued command command. This message is
issued to create an audit trail.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Message Type: LOG.
Explanation: An AUTOPURG command has been issued from an operator
session that specifies an invalid CLASS= operand.
System Action: The AUTOPURG command is not executed.
User Response: Correct the CLASS=values specified on the AUTOPURG
command and attempt the command again.
Message Type: ERROR.
KLVOP192 *** AUTOPURGE CANDIDATE LIST *** restype.resname: USE(use),
RES(resaddr) OWNER(restype.resname) nnn RESOURCES SCHEDULED
Explanation: AUTOPURG has displayed the candidate list for resources to be
AUTOPURGed. The restype and resname fields show the class and name of the
resource to be AUTOPURGed and also of the OWNER of the resource, if one
exists. The use field shows the current use count for the resource. One line of
resource data will appear for each resource which matches the AUTOPURG
criteria. The nnn field of the last line of the message displays the total number of
resources that meet the AUTOPURG criteria.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Message Type: REPLY.
KLVOP193 *** AUTOPURGED RESOURCES *** restype.resname: USE(use),
RES(resaddr) OWNER(restype.resname) xxx OF yyy RESOURCES
Explanation: AUTOPURG has displayed the resources that actually were
AUTOPURGed. The restype and resname fields show the class and name of the
AUTOPURGed resource and also of the OWNER, if one exists. The use field
shows the current use count for the resource. Resources are not actually
terminated until the use count goes to zero. An AUTOPURG must be done for
each resource until the use count goes to zero to purge the resource. The last line
of the display shows the number of resources that were scheduled (xxx field) and
the number that actually had their use count decremented (yyy field).
System Action: None.
User Response: If the USE count is still positive, another AUTOPURG
command should be issued to purge the resource.
Message Type: ALERT.