
KMQxx001EKOCJ0046 443
KO4SRV074 Not able to update record in configuration file.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) encountered error
condition &1, error ID &2, while updating keyed record &3 in file &4. Either the
file was not opened for update operations, or an I/O error occurred. The
configuration file is not updated.
User Response: Check the configuration file for errors and try the command
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:Unattended
KO4SRV075 Situation definition &1 already exists.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) detected that situation
definition &1 was already defined.
User Response: Before creating or renaming this situation definition, change
the situation definition name, delete the existing situation definition, or omit the
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV076 Situation monitoring for &1 already active.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) start command was
issued for situation definition &1. The CMS DISPLAY SITUATION command
shows all active situations.
User Response: If situation &1 contains mixed case, put quotes around
definition and try the command again.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV077 Situation monitoring for &1 not active.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) detected situation &1 was
not active. The CMS DISPLAY SITUATION command shows all active situations.
User Response: If situation &1 contains mixed case, put quotes around the
definition and try command again.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV078 National Language Support conversion failed.
Explanation: The Candle Management Server (CMS) program was not able to
translate the contents of a text description field.
User Response: View specific messages in the product and job logs.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV079 Value &3 not valid for parameter &2.
Explanation: A required value was not entered for this parameter.
User Response: Enter the correct value for this parameter.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No