
KMQxx001EKOCJ0046 439
KO4SRV049 Candle Management Server (CMS) started.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV050 Startup failed due to errors in environment definitions.
Explanation: Startup parameter file &1 in library &2 does not contain all
required parameter fields, and startup is ended. The startup parameter file &1 in
library &2 contains fewer parameter fields than the startup program expects.
User Response: Verify installation procedures. You can also install and then try
to start Candle Management Server (CMS) again.
Severity: 50
System Programmer Response:Unattended
KO4SRV051 Candle Management Server (CMS) cannot process this command.
Explanation: This command returned completion code &1. Completion codes
and their meanings are:
User Response: If the CMS is not active, start it. If the command is not at the
correct release level, make sure all required maintenance is installed and try
again. If the requested services are busy, try the command again.
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV052 Candle Management Server (CMS) not active.
Explanation: The system received a CMS command, but CMS has not been
User Response: Check the message log to identify which command was sent.
Start CMS and then try the command again.
Severity: 30
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV053 Candle Management Server (CMS) already active.
Explanation: The START CMS command has already been issued and the
CMS is already active.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Code Meaning
5 The CMS program is not active.
4 This command is not at the correct release level.
3 The services that this command requests are busy.