
172 Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHSKONCT)
KMC0108E Your request failed. Communication manager not available for
Explanation: The MQSeries communications subsystem is not available.
User Response: Ensure that the MQSeries communications subsystem has
been started.
KMC0109E Your request failed. MQSeries bind failed.
Explanation: The bind to a remote system by MQSeries during session
negotiation has failed.
User Response: Consult your MQSeries systems administrator.
KMC0110E Your request failed. MQSeries channel in-doubt.
Explanation: The requested operation cannot complete because the MQSeries
channel is in doubt.
User Response: Examine the status of the channel, and either restart a channel
to resolve the in-doubt state, or resolve the channel.
KMC0111E Your request failed. MQSeries channel in use.
Explanation: An attempt was made to perform an operation on an MQSeries
channel, but the channel is currently active.
User Response: Stop the channel or wait for it to terminate, then retry the
KMC0112E Your request failed. MQSeries channel not found.
Explanation: You attempted an operation on an MQSeries channel, but the
channel doesnt exist in the actual configuration.
User Response: Create the channel by performing an Update Actual from
Defined, then re-try the operation.
KMC0113E Your request failed. Unknown remote MQSeries channel.
Explanation: There is no definition of the referenced channel at the remote
User Response: Ensure that the local channel is correctly defined. If it is, add
an appropriate channel definition at the remote system.
KMC0114E Your request failed. Remote MQSeries Queue Manager not available.
Explanation: The channel cannot be started because the remote Queue
Manager is not available.
User Response: Start the remote Queue Manager, then retry the operation.
KMC0115E Your request failed. Remote MQSeries Queue Manager terminating.
Explanation: The channel is ending because the remote Queue Manager is
User Response: Restart the remote Queue Manager, then retry the operation.