
462 Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHSKONCT)
Explanation: The PSMREAD function used to read parameters passed for the
\SET command failed. The "\" is the default POVI environment command prefix
character; it may be different, depending on customization.
System Action: The command completes unsuccessfully.
User Response: If RC=8 there was a timeout, and the cause of slow product
response should be investigated. Otherwise examine the log for messages
detailing the cause of the error.
Message Type: LOG.
KOGEC014 LU(luname) \SET EXITED, VARIABLE variablename, VALUE= LEN=0
Explanation: The \SET command executed successfully for the specified
product LU. The "\" is the default POVI environment command prefix character; it
may be different, depending on customization.
System Action: The variable is set to null.
User Response: None. This is an informational message only.
Message Type: LOG.
KOGEC015 LU(luname) SET EXITED VARIABLE=variablename
Explanation: The \SET command has completed for the specified product LU
and the specified variable is set to the specified value, having the specified length.
If the variable has the name "password" then "*CONFIDENTIAL*" is substituted
for the value. The "\" is the default POVI environment command prefix character;
it may be different, depending on customization.
System Action: The command executed successfully.
User Response: None. This is an informational message only.
Message Type: LOG.
KOGEC016 \WAIT seconds
Explanation: A \WAIT command has been received from the product. The "\" is
the default POVI environment command prefix character; it may be different,
depending on customization.
System Action: No data will be transmitted to the application for the specified
number of seconds.
User Response: None. This is an informational message only.
Message Type: LOG.
KOGEC017 LU(luname) SESSID(sessid) STATUS=status
Explanation: The specified LU has issued the \STATUS command to obtain an
applications status. The \ is the default POVI environment command prefix
character; it may be different, depending on customization.
System Action: The specified status is returned to the requestor.
User Response: None. This is an informational message only.
Message Type: LOG.