
KMC0205E The through Queue Manager field @1 is not defined in the configuration.
Explanation: You have selected the Indirect connection option for the Queue
Manager; however, the Through Queue Manager name is not defined anywhere
in the configuration.
User Response: Correct the Through Queue Manager field.
KMC0206E The exit name @2 associated with this object is invalid.
Explanation: You have specified an invalid exit name for the object.
User Response: Specify a valid name for the exit.
The format and maximum length of the name depends on the environment:
On OS/2 Warp, Windows, and Windows NT, it is of the form
dllname(functionname), where dllname is specified without the suffix (".DLL).
The maximum length of the string is 128 characters.
On OS/400, it is of the form progname libname, where progname occupies
the first 10 characters, and libname the second 10 characters (both
blank-padded to the right if necessary). The maximum length of the string is
20 characters.
On OS/390, it is a load module name, maximum length 8 characters (128
characters are allowed for exit names for client-connection channels).
KMC0207E The connection name @2 associated with this object is invalid.
Explanation: You specified an invalid connection name for the channel.
User Response: Specify a valid connection name for the channel. The value
you specify depends on the transport type (TRPTYPE) to be used: