
KMC0422E Invalid Default INI file %s.
Explanation: You specified an invalid default ini file for the Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid Tandem NSK file name.
KMC0423E Invalid number of execution controllers %s.
Explanation: You specified an invalid number of execution controllers for the
Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid number of execution controllers. The minimum
is 1, and the maximum is 256.
KMC0424E Invalid CCSID %s.
Explanation: You specified an invalid CCSID for the Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid CCSID. Specify a number between 1 and 999.
KMC0425E Invalid volume %s.
Explanation: You specified an invalid volume for the Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid volume. Specify a valid Tandem NSK volume.
KMC0426E Invalid TS/MP PATHMON process %s.
Explanation: You specified an invalid process name for the Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid Tandem NSK TS/MP PATHMON process
KMC0427E Invalid home terminal %s.
Explanation: You specified an invalid home terminal name for the Queue
User Response: Specify a valid Tandem NSK home terminal name.
KMC0428E Invalid maximum message data %s.
Explanation: You specified invalid cluster workload management maximum
message data for the Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid cluster workload management maximum
message data. Specify a value between zero and 4 MB for OS/390, or between
zero and 999,999,999 on other platforms.