
KMQxx001EKOCJ0046 445
KO4SRV089 Specify *SNA Directory Server.
Explanation: An *SNA directory server must be specified when no Candle
Management Server (CMS) TCP/IP address is present. Message CPF0002 follows.
Severity: 99
KO4SRV090 Value &3 not valid for parameter &2.
Explanation: Contains variant characters. Invariant characters are:
uppercase A-Z
lowercase a-z
<+> % & * / () &4 , _ - . : ; ?
User Response: Enter invariant characters.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV091 Predicate attribute &2 not known or not valid.
Explanation: You entered an attribute that is not valid.
User Response: Enter a valid attribute or use *PROMPT to choose an
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV092 Get Attributes request was not successful.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV093 Value &3 not valid for parameter &2.
Explanation: A required value was not specified.
User Response: The first character must be alphabetic or value must be *ALL.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV094 Value &3 not valid for parameter &2.
Explanation: The first character must be alphabetic or value must be
User Response: Change the first character in the parameter &2 to alphabetic,
or change parameter &2 to *PROMPT.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
KO4SRV095 Multiple predicates not allowed with PDTREL value *SNGPDT.
Explanation: You entered *SNGPDT in the PDTREL field with more than one
User Response: Enter *AND or *OR in the PDTREL field ,or delete all but one
predicate in the situation.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No