Chapter 2 Building an XML model
XSM User's Guide 89
Defining simple types
You can only define simple types in a model targeted with XSD.
What is a simple type?
A simple type is a data type definition for elements or attributes with text-
only content.
A simple type cannot contain elements or attributes.
A simple type is defined by derivation of an existing simple type (built-in
data type or derived simple type).
There are three kinds of derivation for a simple type:
Type of derivation Description
List The simple type contains a white space-separated list of
values of an inherited simple type
Restriction The simple type has a range of values restricted to a
subset of those of an inherited simple type
Union The simple type contains a union of values of two or
more inherited simple types
For more information on simple type derivations, see section Defining
Once defined in a model, a simple type can be reused in the definition of an
attribute, an element or a complex type.
Example of a simple type in a schema: