Defining elements
54 PowerDesigner
Group particles properties
To display a group particle property sheet, double-click its symbol in a
The General page of a group particle property sheet displays the following
Property Description
Type Type of the group particle. You can change its type by selecting a
value in the dropdown listbox and clicking OK
Minimum Minimum number of times the group particle can occur. To
specify that the group particle is optional, set this property to zero
Maximum Maximum number of times the group particle can occur. For an
unlimited number of times, select unbounded
ID ID of the group particle. Its value must be of type ID and unique
within the model containing the group particle
The Items page of a group particle property sheet allows you to add (or
order) the following objects to a list of child objects:
Tool Tooltip Description
Add Element Adds an element to the list
Add Any Adds an Any to the list. Only available with a
choice or a sequence group particle
Add Group
Adds a group particle to the list
Add Element
with Reference
to Element
Adds a referencing element to the list. Select a
global element for the reference in the Selection
dialog box. To use this tool, you must have
previously defined a global element in the current
Add Group with
Reference to
Adds a referencing group to the list. Select a group
for the reference in the Selection dialog box. To use
this tool, you must have previously defined a group
in the current model
When you add an object to the list, an object is created and its symbol
appears in the diagram linked to the group particle.
General properties
Items list