XML Model objects verified by Check Model
158 PowerDesigner
Existence of attributes
An attribute group must contain at least one attribute.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Add attributes to attribute group or delete
attribute group
Deletes unassigned attribute group
Import check
During an import check, the following object control is made.
Undefined schema location and namespace
An import must have at least a schema location or a namespace defined.
Manual correction Automatic correction
In the import property sheet, define a URI for the
schema location and/or the namespace. Example
for a schema location:
Example for a namespace:
Redefine check
During a redefine check, the following object controls are made.
Undefined schema location
You must define a schema location for a redefine.
Manual correction Automatic correction
In the redefine property sheet, define a
URI or select a schema file for the
schema location. For example: