Chapter 2 Building an XML model
XSM User's Guide 49
Property Description
Reference Name of an attribute in the current model or another model
opened in the workspace. A reference allows you to reuse an
attribute with all its properties without having to define it
again. Use the dropdown listbox to select an attribute in the
current model. Use the Browse tool to select an attribute from
any model opened in the workspace. If you select an attribute
from another model, a shortcut is created with the referencing
attribute. When you define a reference, name and code
properties are grayed. The name and code are those of the
target attribute
Type Attribute data type. It must be a qualified name (See
Glossary). Use the dropdown listbox to select a built-in data
type. Use the Browse tool to select a simple type defined in
the current model or another model opened in the workspace
Embedded Type If selected, the attribute data type disappears and a <simple
type> tag is created in the schema within the <attribute> tag.
Only available in a model targeted with XSD
Derivation Derivation method for the attribute data type. Used to extend
or restrict the values of the attribute data type. When you
define a derivation, the data type disappears. You must click
Apply and then the Properties tool to select a type, a base
type or member types for the corresponding derivation (list,
restriction or union). Only available in a model targeted with
In a model targeted with the XML-Data Reduced language, attributes tags are
defined by different attributes:
XDR attribute
for an attribute Description
Property or page in
attribute property
To specify the name of a global
To specify a default value for both
global and local attributes
Detail page
To specify a data type for a global
To specify a list of available
values for a global attribute
Values page
To specify the name of a global
attribute as reference for a local
Defining attributes
in XDR files