Generating an XML model from a Physical Data Model
180 PowerDesigner
Generating an XML model from a Physical Data
This section explains how to generate an XML model from a Physical Data
Generating XML Model objects
When you generate an XML model from a PDM, PowerDesigner translates
PDM objects into specified XML Model objects as follows:
PDM object Generated object in an XML model
Domain Simple type
Table Element. A table is generated as a child element when it
has one outgoing reference link with the Mandatory
parent property selected
Column Element or element attribute (See generation options)
View Element
View column Element attribute
Key Key
Index Unique
Abstract data type Complex type
Abstract data type
Complex type attribute
PDM packages are generated into XML diagrams.
A PDM is generated into several XML diagrams:
♦ A global diagram displaying a hierarchical view of all the generated
♦ One diagram for each physical diagram in order to keep the PDM
design. The generated diagram displays the same object symbols as the
source diagram
The Global Diagram displays the symbol of a root element called Database.
This Database element (which has no equivalent in the source PDM) groups
together all the identity constraints (see Constraints page of the Database
property sheet) generated from the PDM keys, indexes and references.